*POSTPONED* Tonight's trap meeting has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will post a new date tomorrow. Thank you, Spartans!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*ATTENTION CLASS OF 2022* All seniors need to turn in a senior picture for the yearbook to Ms. Cramer by March 18. If a picture is not submitted, Ms. Cramer will use the most recent school picture on file.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE* The class of 2024 is hosting the Shamrock Shake middle school dance on Friday, March 18 from 7pm-9pm. Cost is $5 at the door. 6th-8th graders are welcome to attend.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
Shamrock Shake
*WINTER SPORTS BANQUET* Thursday, March 17 at 6pm we will be hosting our winter sports banquet. It will be a potluck in the cafeteria. We ask for the middle school sports familes to bring a dessert to pass and our high school families to bring a main dish. Drinks, plates and silverware will be provided.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*VOLLEYBALL CLINIC* Come out to the youth volleyball clinic this Saturday! It will be held from 9AM-12PM for our 4th - 8th grade Spartans. Registration slips are available from Ms. Cramer and the main office. Don't miss out!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*KAREN'S BUS* Karen's bus is running between five and 10 minutes late this morning.
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*ARCHERY MEETING* Our first archery meeting will be held this Friday at 6:00 P.M. in the media center. This is for both the parents and Spartans! Come out and meet your coach, Jake Fether!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*DISTRICT GAME* Just a reminder to our Spartan fans, you must have a gofan ticket to get into tonight's game. The game starts at 7pm at Morenci High School. Spartans will be against Lenawee Christian. Go Spartans! Link: https://gofan.co/app/events/566876?schoolId=MI4553
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
basketball districts1
We will be back open for our Spartans tomorrow! We have bottled water, but ask if Spartans can be sent to school with filled water containers, if possible, for the next couple of days. Enjoy the rest of your day off, Spartans! Read a book!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*TRAP MEETING* We will be having our first trap shoot meeting this Wednesday at 6:00pm in the media center. Parents and students interested in joining, please come meet the coaching staff! We look forward to getting the season started! GO SPARTANS!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*VICTORY X 2* Both our JV and V boys basketball teams pulled off wins tonight! Congratulations!! REMINDER: Varsity boys will play their first district game Monday, March 7 @ 7pm @ Morenci. Tickets are only available at www.Gofan.co. Search Waldron to find the tickets.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*SPARTAN SPORTS PROGRAM EXPANDS* We are very excited to announce that we are adding trapshooting and archery to our athletic program! Spartans in grades six through twelve that are interested need to let Jenn Fether know asap - 908-652-1103! Both begin this spring! Hunter safety certification is required for trap. If you do not have it yet, you still have time! We are excited to announce our partnership with the Hillsdale County Conservation Club!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CLINIC* On Sat., March 12 there will be a youth volleyball clinic for 4th-8th graders at the school from 9am-12pm. Cost is $15 and registration forms are due by March 9. Permission slips can be found in the main office or see Ms. Cramer.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*VICTORY* Congratulations to the varsity boys basketball team with a 59-56 win over Burr Oak. Way to go, Spartans!
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*PASTRIES WITH PARENTS* Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 2 is Pastries with Parents in the media center. Come out from 7:30-8:00am to enjoy breakfast with your student.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*READING MONTH* March is reading month and our elementary is going to celebrate a little per day. Please see the calendar on our Facebook page. Happy Reading!
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Williams
*BLOOD NEEDED* Our Waldron NHS blood drive is Tuesday between 11am and 3pm. We still need donors! Please support this great cause and help increase the NHS scholarship fund! Go to: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=SPARTANS
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*FFA WEEK* This week we are celebrating our Waldron FFA! Show your support by participating in their dress up days! Monday - Chore day Tuesday - Tractor apparel Wednesday - Dress like your favorite teacher Thursday - Flannel and boots Friday - FFA apparel
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
ffa week
Waldron Jr Pro girls need to be at the school at 7:40 a.m. Sunday morning.
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether
*PURSE BINGO* The moment all the ladies have been waiting for! Purse Bingo tickets go on sale today! Going to Jr Pro? Becky and Katina will be there from 11-2 selling tickets!
almost 3 years ago, Jenn Fether