*CAREER/COLLEGE FAIR TOMORROW* The Hillsdale College & Career Fair is tomorrow! We are asking ALL sophomores, juniors, and undecided seniors to join us! The bus leaves the school at 5:30 pm. The fair is 6pm - 7pm at Hillsdale College. Pizza will be served on the way home! Parents are encouraged to attend. Please don't miss this! Practices have been altered to accommodate this.
3 months ago, Jenn Fether
*CAREER & COLLEGE FAIR* All sophomores, juniors, and most seniors received a permission slip to take home for this upcoming Monday's College and Career Fair at Hillsdale College. The bus will leave at 5:30 p.m. from the school and return between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Pizza will be provided. We are asking that all sophomores and juniors attend. Parents are welcome to hop on the bus and join. Please return the slip by Monday morning or text Jenn to let her know your child will be attending. 908-652-1103
3 months ago, Jenn Fether
*VOICES HEARD* In Mr. Patrick's Civics class, Spartans wrote to our district's Michigan House of Representatives member Andrew Fink with issues that are on their minds. Writing to your representative is a great way to voice your opinion on bills, laws, or even the patchy roads!
3 months ago, Jenn Fether
**REMINDER** Tomorrow, October 18th, is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:30am. Also, the tech bus will be leaving late, around 7:45am.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
*Little Spartans Daycare Job Posting*
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
Job Posting
*TECH BUS* Today, October 15th, the Tech bus left at 7:45am and it will leave around this time again on Friday, October 18th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
HELLO FROM THE KITCHEN CREW! On Friday, October 11th, it was lunch with a hero day and grades K-5 had a special visit from our very own Wright-Waldron Fire Department. The kids were so excited to have their lunch served in a FIREMAN HAT & served by a real FIREMAN! THANK YOU to our fire department crew for taking time out of your day to spend some time with our Spartan students and putting a smile on their face. PROUD TO BE A SPARTAN!!
3 months ago, Luann Mravec
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*SPELL SUN* Last week, our 2nd graders enjoyed a beautiful fall day outside practicing their spelling words with chalk on the walk!
3 months ago, Jenn Fether
*Junior Class* Laundry Soap pick-up is today, October 14th, from 4:30pm-6pm in the Bus Garage.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
*STEM* Reminder to the girls who signed up for the Aerospace Competition, please be at the school by 9:45am tomorrow. Good luck ladies!
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
*LATE BUS* Bus #4 is running about 8 minutes behind. We apologize for the inconvenience.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
MENU CHANGE FOR FRIDAY OCTOBER 11TH: K-5 will be having LUNCH WITH A HERO this FRIDAY! Wright-Waldron Fire Department will be here to teach our K-5 some fire prevention, and they will also be serving lunch. Therefore, lunch will be a sack lunch of, Smuckers uncrustable PB&J, mini carrots, pineapple cup & milk. MS/HS lunch will still be 3 cheese calzone with marinara sauce, pineapple & Milk. ,Thank You to the Wright-Waldron Fire Department for teaching our students fire prevention.
3 months ago, Luann Mravec
*GRADE CHECK* All dual enrolled and early middle college Spartans need to send a picture or screenshot of your college grades to Jenn today! Please also have them on hand for this week's meetings with Libby.
3 months ago, Jenn Fether
*POPCORN FRIDAY* This Friday will be popcorn Friday. 50 cents for plain. $1.00 for M&M's. We will also have popcorn Friday on October 25th. Thank you for supporting the 3/4 grade class.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
*PICTURE DAY* Today was picture day! All students will be bringing home a paper with a QR code. Scan the QR code to see your child's picture and place your order, if you haven't already. Picture Retake Day is November 21st, if your child didn't get their pictures taken today.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
**PICTURE DAY** Reminder that tomorrow is Picture Day for all K-12 students.
3 months ago, Candi Saxton
Yesterday was National Janitorial Day. We have another amazing janitor, but she works the late shift, so we weren't able to get a picture until this morning. THANK YOU to Mrs. Angela Masters for all your hard work, we appreciate you so very much!!!!!
3 months ago, Luann Mravec
Today is National Janitorial Day & we have the BEST Janitor EVER! Thank you to Mr. Parrish Evers for all you do for us & our students, you are greatly appreciated!
4 months ago, Luann Mravec
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SPARTAN STAR AWARD TIME!!!! Spartan Stars are chosen from grades K-5 by the lunch ladies, Miss Barb, Miss Vicky & Miss Luann for acts of kindness, being helpful, respectful & being good leaders. Here are your Spartan Stars for the month of September: Auden Emmons Ellanor Wagner Gunner Flickinger Keegan Rowan
4 months ago, Luann Mravec
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*North Carolina Flood Victims* We have a parent collecting items for donation for the North Carolina flood victims. If you are willing to donate please drop items off at the Central Office by Friday, Oct. 4th.
4 months ago, Candi Saxton