MS Volleyball practice will be held this afternoon, 3:15 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
*ADDED GAME* Tonight at Jackson Christian - JV/Varsity Lady Spartans volleyball games. JV game begins at 5:30 P.M. with Varsity to follow. Bus leaves at 4:10 P.M. GO LADY SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Household income surveys were sent out on Thursday. We ask that families complete and return them (one per household). If you need a survey, please contact the main office! Questions about the survey? Contact our food services department.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
WALDRON SCRIBE! Back by popular demand! Catch up on the past week and look forward to what is ahead! Would you like to see something else in the Scribe? Let us know!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
The Waldron Bands are ready for fall! The 3rd annual pumpkin fundraiser officially begins Oct. 1st! There will be multiple sizes and varieties of pumpkins available this year. Order form and pricing coming soon!
over 4 years ago, Amy Mroczek
This year we noticed many of our Spartans are riding their bikes to school. What a great daily mode of transportation! As a result, Mr. Burk purchased a brand new bicycle rack! We ask our Spartans to park their bikes at the rack, which is located next to the main office.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
bike rack
Calling all parents of virtual Spartans! Please complete the attached survey for lunches. We ask that they be completed by 3PM tomorrow. Questions? Contact our food service department.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Happy Monday Spartans! Unfortunately, our internet and phones are down for at least 2 hours. Please call or text Mr. Potts at 517-990-7805 if you need something.
over 4 years ago, Mike Potts
Tomorrow is the last day for FFA members to let Mrs. Fether know if you plan on participating in the broiler contest. Seventh graders joining FFA are able to participate. See Mrs. Fether!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Tomorrow evening's FFA meeting is cancelled, but will be rescheduled.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Virtual Spartan Parents! We will begin delivering food to our virtual students on Mondays in the early afternoon. Please complete the attached survey for your Spartan(s) to determine what milk and veggie/fruit selections they would like. Please complete by 3:00 P.M. Friday.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Good afternoon Spartans! All middle and high school students were issued a chromebook and charger today to bring home! Please help them remember to charge the devices and bring them to school every day! Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Mike Potts
MS volleyball practice ends at four today and all Thursdays. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
MS Spartan football is BACK! Practice begins tomorrow between 4PM and 6PM. Meet at the north entrance! Contact Coach Tim Ghent with questions at or AD Robert Gifford at GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Per Executive Order 176 and beginning today, indoor and outdoor fall sports competitions are limited to two guests per player (adults and children). Guests will be checked off at entrances. Athletes must also wear masks during competitions. Only exception: football players will not need them on as long as their helmet is on. Please contact Mr. Gifford, Athletic Director, w/questions -
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
From our Food Services Department: if you pack a lunch and are in need of a milk, the cost of milk is $. 50 cents. If you want a second lunch (big boy) it is a $1.50. You can view our menu on our website or by downloading the app (search "Waldron Area Schools").
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Tonight's JV/Varsity volleyball game against NAJ has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
schedule update
Hello Spartans! This is Mr. Potts welcoming you back to school!! If your student has a school issued chromebook, and they are attending school in person, it needs to come to school with them everyday charged and ready to go! We only have enough for each student to have one device, so we need those people who have one to bring theirs to use. Thanks and have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Mike Potts
Good Morning Spartans! Happy first day of school! Just a reminder, the buses will be picking up one hour and ten minutes later then last year. If you were picked up at 7AM last year, you will be picked up at approximately 8:10AM today. Please allow five minutes before of after your scheduled time.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
M/HS cross country practice is tomorrow immediately following school dismissal. Meet at the north entrance doors. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether