*UPDATE* Due to the addition of an Online/Virtual Learning option our daily schedule for in-person learning has changed. Waldron Area Schools will begin at 9 am and dismiss at 3 pm. Students may be dropped off at 8:50 am. Teachers and staff will be in the building and working from 7:45 am with our Online/Virtual students. We will also offer a remedial reading/tutoring program for students from 8 am until 8:50 am. Please contact the office to register for this program.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
M/HS schedules are now available to view and print in PowerSchool! If you have any questions or concerns, please sign up for an appointment with Mr. Robert Gifford during open house by clicking the link below. https://www.waldronspartans.org/o/waldron-area-school-district/browse/161943
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
MS volleyball practice begins on Monday, August 31 at 3:15 P.M. It will be held outside. Meet at the north entrance. If you had a physical from the 19-20 school year, you do not need one this year. If not, please pick up a physical form from the vestibule and have completed by a physician. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Have you made your appointment with Mr. Gifford, Dean of Students yet? Interested in meeting your elementary teacher? Be sure to get your spot for open house before they're all taken! Click or copy/paste the link below. M/HS students & parents can rotate through teachers between 1PM & 3PM Tuesday through Thursday of next week. https://www.waldronspartans.org/o/waldron-area-school-district/browse/161943
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
*OPEN HOUSE* Tuesday, Sept 1 through Thursday, Sept 3. Elementary: if you would like to meet with your teacher, please sign up by clicking the link below. M/HS: Teachers will be available to meet between 1PM & 3PM. It will be set up like parent/teacher conferences. Tours will be available. You can sign up to meet with Mr. Gifford, Dean of Students also by clicking the link below. Appointments can be in person or virtual. https://www.waldronspartans.org/o/waldron-area-school-district/browse/161943
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
open house
August 31, 2020: Special BOE Meeting. Join by Zoom! https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/89108138588?pwd=RTVMVUhhdk40MXdGYzNzWkxmQjhIUT09
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
MS Cross Country practice begins today at 2:30 P.M.! Grab your running shoes and meet at the north entrance! GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
M/HS Spartan students and parents! Have you picked your electives yet? Click the link below, enter your name and grade, and choose your electives for the year! You can now do it for more then one child at a time. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MHSElectives
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Calling all M/HS Spartan students and parents! It is time to pick your electives! We are asking that you click the link below, enter your name and grade, and choose your electives for the year! It takes just a couple of minutes! Contact Mr. Gifford with any questions! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MHSElectives
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
It's not too late to enroll your young Spartan into kindergarten! Contact Mrs. Rich at 517-990-5591 or the school at 286-6251 to enroll!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
round up
Want to know the latest from Waldron Area Schools regarding back to school? Click on the link below to watch Mr. Potts address our Spartan community! GO SPARTANS! https://www.waldronspartans.org/article/289412?org=waldron-area-school-district
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Cross country practice will be Mondays-Fridays at 2:30 P.M. Meet at the high school entrance. Participation for high school athletes is mandatory. Participation for middle school athletes is voluntary until August 24. Contact Coach Cramer w/questions. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
As of now, both middle and high school volleyball and cross country sports are still on for the season.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Based on today's MHSAA's update, FOOTBALL has been postponed until the spring of 2021. As Mr. Gifford gets details, updates will be provided.
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
For Spartans interested in joining M/HS cheer leading: first practice/meeting will be this Monday. It will be held from 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Meet at the high school entrance. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
M/HS cheer leading is back! Interested in participating? Please contact Coach Jessie Bellhorn at jessie.bellhorn@waldronspartans.org. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
*HS CROSS COUNTRY* Practice begins tomorrow at 2:30 P.M. at the high school doors. Bring plenty of water and lots of energy! Questions can be directed to Coach Kim Cramer. GO SPARTANS!
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Our revised 2020-2021 district calendar is now available for view! Hard copies will be available in the Central Office vestibule, which is open 24/7. https://www.waldronspartans.org/o/waldron-area-school-district/browse/159456
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
The district preparedness & response plan is now available to view by clicking on the link below. It is up to date as of today, Aug 12. We look forward to continuing to educate and inspire our Spartans! https://www.waldronspartans.org/o/waldron-area-school-district/browse/126017
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether
Here is the Zoom link for tonight's regular board meeting! It is scheduled for tonight at 7:00 P.M. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96221419361?pwd=aWVtZnVnckJEVGI1T0F3WVQycE1UUT09 Meeting ID: 962 2141 9361 Passcode: ngd5g7
over 4 years ago, Jenn Fether