Due to the holiday weekend, Mrs. Jones' Zoom meetings are rescheduled for next Wednesday. Talk About It Tuesday is still on as usual.
Mr. Ledford has created a Google classroom page for Small Engines students. There is an extra credit project there. The classroom code is kwjsery. Please contact Mr. Ledford with any questions at 231-342-0877.
Spartans who are enrolled in MS or HS art: you have art packets in the vestibule from Mrs. Brighton. Please stop in and pick them up. Mrs. DiCenso's 7th hour class also has packets to be picked up.
We are just under an hour away for tonight's Parent/Community Forum with Mr. Ledford and Mr. Potts! Get the latest updates tonight at 6PM! Click on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83055097044?pwd=Q1hNYlorMXExbW8rRmJIa1BsRFJYQT09 to access.
Sign up for Mrs. Jones', "Talk About It Tuesday," at https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040A4DA4AB23ABF94-talk2&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1589925678635000&usg=AFQjCNG1Fr3-ODs0hRGw5fBLqq_TYi_FTg
Missed any of the Tuesday night parent/community forums? View them on our app/website! Simply go to the Parent University section to catch up! There are additional resources from Mr. Ledford too!
Check out the Spartan Sports Update from Athletic Director, Robert Gifford!
Attention Mrs Jones’ Math Students: Please be sure to show your work when completing distance learning packets. No work=No credit!
Please make sure your name is on the work you turn in.
The last day for school work to be turned in, K-12, is June 3. You can log into PowerSchool to see your Spartans current grades Please contact your teachers with any questions or concerns..
Tonight at 6P.M. Parent/Community Forum--Using the Learning Platform Quizzezz--How to Effectively Change your Habits. Join us!
Mrs. L. Jones' Announcements:
1. Talk About it Tuesday will take place TOMORROW from 12:30-6:00. Sign up for a time:
2. Extra credit is now being offered for participating in our weekly Zoom meetings! Tell your friends!
Reminder: food distribution will be Mondays and Thursdays beginning today.
Effective May 11, Waldron Area Schools will be delivering food on Mondays and Thursdays. Waldron Apartments will continue to be at 4:00 P.M. and Prattville Church at 4:20. This is a meal program for all people under 18, regardless of need. Contact if you would like to be added.
Our regular board of education meeting will be virtually held on Monday, May 11 at 07:00 PM. Join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 985 6253 5055
Password: waldron1
All over the country, community members are "adopting" seniors! Charity Sharpe, was adopted this week by community member, Christal Cousino! Thank you Mrs. Fowler for assisting in making this happen! Mrs. Fowler shared, "lots of blessings are happening during this pandemic."
Don't forget Spartans! The weekly parent/community forum is tonight at 6:00 P.M. via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 830 5509 7044
Password: 2JRAdL
Spartans of Mrs. Jones (math) classes: Please check Google Classroom for rescheduled Zoom meeting times for today.
Join Mr. Potts and Mr. Ledford every Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. for the parent & community forum! Click the link to join! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83055097044?pwd=Q1hNYlorMXExbW8rRmJIa1BsRFJYQT09
Meeting ID: 830 5509 7044
Password: 2JRAdL
Sophomores can now improve their grades for Hudson classes. Sophomores and parents are encouraged to go to Hudson's school website for details.
In an effort to ensure Spartans are able to complete assignments and participate in virtual sessions with teachers, Chromebooks and hotspots are still available. To arrange, contact Jenn 908-652-1103 or Kelli 517-320-1824.