Our Lady Spartans were defeated in their opener last night, but played hard! Varsity will try again this evening as they head to Sand Creek. Game starts at 5:30 P.M. GO LADY SPARTANS!
Support our Spartans this weekend!
The new and improved Waldron Scribe is back! Check out the great things from this week and what is to come. GO SPARTANS!
*FOOTBALL RAFFLE* Win choice of 1/4 cow or MSU vs UofM tickets! $5 each or 5 for $20. See a football player or Coaches Roney, Cicchini or Mark. Drawing is 10/04 @ homecoming.
Attention career center students: Tech Center starts tomorrow. Bus departs from circle drive at 7:55 AM.
MS football: first practice is tomorrow, August 21, after school until 4:30PM. Then practice after school everyday until 5PM. Bring cleats if you have them.
The 2019-2020 student handbook is now available! You can view an electronic copy by clicking the link below. A hard copy will be given to each family, as well.
The cell phone policy has been revised and a new student code of conduct has been added.
Our open house is not just for our parents and students, but also our community members and local businesses! Join us between 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. this evening. Socialize with other Spartans and enjoy a cookout, hosted by First Federal Bank!
Conditioning for cross country begins this Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. It will end at 4:30 p.m. Meet in the HS gym.
WAS: MS volleyball open gym begins today! It runs from 3PM and 4PM in the MP room. GO SPARTANS!
The fall sports schedule is now available! Download our app and select "Spartan Schedules" to view. Game dates are subject to change. GO SPARTANS!
Calling all boys in grades 3-7! Summer Swish Basketball Camp is August 17 from 4pm-7:30pm. Contact Coach Birdsell at 517-260-1276 or stop at the school to register.
MS volleyball open gym begins Monday, August 12 from 3pm-4pm. Monday - Friday until school starts in MP gym. Not mandatory.
Our breakfast and lunch menus for August and September can now be viewed under the "Dining" section of our website and app! Be sure to filter by "All."
This week Mrs. Jones is in Grand Rapids at the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference! MCTM advocates for excellence in mathematics education for all students. Mrs. Jones is attending a variety of sessions that will assist her and Spartans within the classroom.
On Saturday, our Jr Pro boys' coaches Cody Birdsell and Hunter Moore held their first Triple Threat Academy session! Our young Spartans learned various basketball skills to help improve their game! Our coaches plan to have another session, so be sure to stay tuned for details!
Join a school district that offers both differentiated and project based learning! Our small class sizes means your student receives individualized learning, is noticed, and provided plenty of opportunities to participate in both athletics and academics!
Contact us or stop in on Tuesdays or Thursdays to tour the building at 286-6251. GO SPARTANS!
Did you check out the Nerd Camp article in the Hillsdale Daily News this weekend!? What a great night for our Spartans!
*NERD CAMP 2019*
On Tuesday, Spartans attended Nerd Camp up in Parma! They participated in workshops, met authors and went home with autographed books!
Waldron Music Department: The pumpkins are looking great! Be on the look out for our 2nd annual pumpkin sale this fall. We are looking for some hay to help with the weeds. If you would be willing to donate, contact Amy Mroczek amy.mroczek@waldronspartans.org or call/text (269) 808-8830.