Ms. Amy Mroczek received a grant from the Hillsdale County Community Foundation in the amount of $1,500! These funds will be used to purchase a marimba for our Waldron Bands! Look forward to seeing and hearing it at upcoming concerts. Great job, Ms. Mroczek and thank you!
Have you downloaded our new app yet? Menus, live game scores, events, news and more are right at your fingertips! Search "Waldron Area Schools" on your Android or Apple device.
Happy Fourth of July, Spartans!
It was on this date in 1776 when 13 colonies claimed their independence from England, leading to the formation of the United States. Today, we celebrate this historic event!
Mark your calendars, Spartans! Our Open House will be August 19 between 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. M/HS students will receive their schedules. We look forward to seeing our Spartans!
The Waldron Bands is happy to announce that we have received a grant for percussion upgrades! Thank you to the Hillsdale County Community Foundation for this great opportunity.
We are switching from Remind to a new alert system. Individual classes will still use Remind, unless teachers note otherwise. A test notification will be sent at 12PM. today, using the new alert system.
Contact Jenn, jenn.fether@waldronspartans.org or 908-652-1103 to be added.
From the Desk of Mr. Gifford:
Mr. Gifford would like to share this great article that details five tips to keep kids active this summer! They include jumping, field trips, and simply laughing and making memories! Check out this great read!
Mrs. Lauren Jones just returned from her vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! She had an amazing week relaxing, playing and enjoying the beach with her family!
Calling all incoming Spartan 3rd-7th grade boys! Don't miss out on this great skill building opportunity on July 27th! Questions? Contact Coach Cody Birdsell.
It may be summer break from the class room, but our Spartan athletes are in the gym and weight room all summer long! They see big wins this upcoming school year. GO SPARTANS!
Read all about First Federal Bank making a generous donation to our district in today's Hillsdale Daily News! Their sponsorship will assist in the district's new weight room! GO SPARTANS
Spartan parents and guardians, be on the look out for report cards. They are being mailed out this week!
The June open gym schedule for basketball, football and volleyball is now available on our App under "Sports Schedule."
E2020 students: The deadline to complete assignments is Friday, June 14. Contact Mr. Ledford w/questions 231-342-0877 or the office.
Jonesville Health Care Plus is offering sports physicals on Fridays for $20. Fifteen dollars of that fee goes back to our school district! Bonus!!
Questions can be directed to Jonesville Heath Care Plus at 517-849-7100 or Mr. Gifford at robert.gifford@waldronspartans.org.
Our fifth graders went to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum earlier this week! They were able to participate in science labs that included dissecting a cows eye!
Our fifth grade Spartans recently built and decorated birdhouses! You will now find these, and hopefully some birds, around the school campus. Thank you, Spartans!
After parting with our Spartan students one last time for the school year, our Spartan staff ran to their cars, grabbed their lawn chairs and headed for the courtyard! Superintendent Potts showed his appreciation to his staff by grilling and providing a nice lunch.
The 2019-2020 School Supply list is being sent home today!
It's the last day of the 2018-2019 school year, Spartans! Enjoy the day! Get your yearbooks signed! High five your teachers! Wish everyone a fantastic summer!