*CIDER PICKUP* Apple cider orders will be available for pickup TOMORROW between 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Please go to the north entrance. They will be given out from the concession stand.
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*LAST CALL TO ORDER SOAP* This is the last call to order laundry soap and trash bags to support our cheerleaders and the Class of 2026. If you would like to order, please call the school and Mrs. Williams can help you place an order. Money and orders are due by this Thursday, October 12. Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
Mrs. Wise shared her Indian artifacts with our 5th graders last week. They were super excited to see her treasures. Thank you Ms. Brenda!
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
Ms Brenda
Ms Brenda
Ms Brenda
*FIELD TRIP* The Hillsdale College & Career Fair permission slip went home with 10th - 12th grade Spartans on Friday! Please help us fill the bus, by allowing your Spartan to attend! We are hoping for 100% attendance from all three grades! Parents are highly encouraged to join us! Monday, October 16th at 6 pm! Feel free to text Jenn a picture of the permission slip! 908-652-1103 (might as well save the number!)
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether
*HOME FOOTBALL GAME TONIGHT* Tonight at 7pm, our varsity football team will face Camden Frontier. The night will also be featuring our mini-cheerleaders as well as our varsity cheerleaders. The choir will be singing, and our concessions stands will be stocked with delicious food. We hope to see you tonight, Saturday, Oct. 7. Go Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
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*HOMECOMING WEEK* ELEMENTARY DAYS Monday: PJ Day Tuesday: Twin Day Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday Thursday: Color Day K:red/1st-blue/2nd-green/3rd-yellow/4th-orange/5th-pink Friday: Black Out - School Colors MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL DAYS Monday: 'Merica Monday Tuesday: Anything But a Backpack Wednesday: Jersey Day Thursday: Class Colors 9th-pink/10th-green/11th-blue/12th-black/MS-any color Friday: Black Out-School Colors Go Spartans! Let's have a great Homecoming week!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*GIRLS STEM COMPETITION* To the girls who are competing in the STEM competition this morning, Mrs. DiCenso needs you to be here at 9:50 am. The team will meet in the STEM room and please enter the door by the flag pole. Have fun, Lady Spartans! Good luck!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*FALL FEST* Hillsdale County families are invited to the annual Fall Fest on October, 16, 2023 from 4:30-6:00pm at the Hillsdale Co ISD Hayes Building.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
fall fest
FIRE SAFETY MONTH What a fantastic day we had when we were visited by the Wright-Waldron Fire Dept & EMS! Our Elementary students watched a video, asked questions, and experienced first-hand how to navigate through a smoke (fog) filled room. Then the real fun part, sitting in the fire truck and learning about the equipment they use to fight fires! Words cannot express how fortunate our community is to have these men and women who serve diligently! THANK YOU WRIGHT-WALDRON FIRE & EMS
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
fire dept
fire dept
fire dept
fire dept
*CIDER* Support our Waldron Trap Shoot Spartans! Donate $10 and get a gallon of local cider! Trap is our most expensive sport and we have 24 athletes! Your donation allows us to buy ammo, so our athletes and their families don't have to (its expensive)! Trap kiddos are taking orders until end of day, Friday! 286-6251 or 908-652-1103.
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
REMINDER - WAS SCHOOL PICTURE DAY This Friday, October 6th is picture day. Order forms were sent home with our K-6 students. MS & HS students can still pick up a form in the office. If you want to order online, please go to www.mylifetouch.com and use the Picture ID: EVTB9DWD6
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
**MS BOYS & MS GIRLS COACHING POSITIONS** Anyone interested in coaching MS Boys or the MS Girls Basketball team, please email Mr. Granger at michaelgranger@waldronspartans.org . DEADLINE to apply is Friday October 13
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
LUNCH WITH A HERO DAY!!!! Tuesday, October 3rd, our K-5 students enjoyed "Lunch with our Local Wright-Waldron Fireman & EMS!" A HUGE THANK YOU to our Local Heros for taking their time to come and help serve & hangout during lunch. The students enjoyed it very much!
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
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SPARTANS SPIRIT WEAR Please return order forms with payment to Central Office By November 1st. All orders should be available for pickup on November 20th.
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
Order form
Order form
Order Form
Order Form
Order form
*SWEET CELLS* Ms. Lemle's seventh-grade Spartans are learning about the different parts of the cell! Yesterday, they reviewed what they learned the day before by making candy cells. They had various types of candy and had to make a cell using the candy that was most close in shape to the part of the cell it represented. They then were able to eat the candy of course! Delicious learning!
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether
*SNACK TIME* The National Honor Society is finally opening the concession stand back up for our M/HS Spartans during the day! Opening day is tomorrow! We are going to start between fifth and sixth hours and right after school until 3:15 p.m. We will then add morning times in the coming days.
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether
*** A MESSAGE FROM YOUR LUNCH LADIES*** Breakfast for MS/HS will now be offered in the hallway down from the cafeteria. Please stop and see Miss Vicky & start your day off right!! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Also, we are offering a "Second Chance Breakfast" If you happen to come to school late, when you sign in with Miss Kelli, let her know you would like to get breakfast, she will give you a pass, come down to the cafeteria, grab breakfast, one of the ladies will sign your pass, you can choose to sit at a table and eat or take it back to your classroom (teacher permitting) Second Chance Breakfast runs everyday from 8:00-8:30.
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
*CHEERLEADING CAMP* If you have signed your elementary student up for cheer camp today, you will still need to notify Mrs. Williams in the office by 2:15pm that your student is staying after school. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*FREE COLLEGE MONTH* It's time to apply to colleges for free, Senior Spartans! See Jenn for the waiver codes or help to apply! Also, if you have not seen her to confirm your full legal name for your diploma, you have until THIS FRIDAY!
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether
*DRINK CIDER* Support our Waldron Trap Spartans! Donate $10 to the team and earn a gallon jug of delicious apple cider from the Shamplo family orchard! Orders are due this Friday, Oct 6th, so contact a Trap Spartan or parent! You may also order in Miss. Kelli's office or contact Jenn at 908-652-1103. Please share this post!
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether