*ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MEETING* There will be an Athletic Boosters meeting Monday, Oct. 2 at 6:30pm in the media center. Please come to support our students.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*PICTURE DAY* Next Friday, October 6 will be our picture day! Order forms were sent home with our K-6 grade students and M/HS students can pick up a form in the office. If you want to order the pictures online, please go to www.mylifetouch.com and use the Picture Day ID: EVTB9DWD6.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*ATTENTION SENIORS* It is time to order your high school diplomas! See Jenn by October 6th to provide your full legal name (first, middle, last) on the Jostens form. Eight more months, Senior Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Jenn Fether
*TUTORING* Don't forget that tutoring for 3rd-5th graders starts tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 28 after school until 4pm.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*BOOK BLAST IS A BLAST* Calling all adventurers! It’s time to unveil our First 3 Treasure Chest winners. Congratulations, Isaiah Martin, Lauren Shaw, and Ezekiel Martin! The last treasure chest drawing is set for tomorrow. The grand prize drawing for the iPad is Friday! Make sure you’ve invited 15+ friends and family members by tonight to be entered for a chance to win. Don't miss this golden opportunity! If you haven’t already, register here: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/WaldronSch49288 There will also be an offline form sent home tonight.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
Book blast 2
*MORNING LATCHKEY* Starting Monday, Oct. 2, there will be a morning latchkey available. Any K-5th grade student is able to be dropped off at 6:45AM by the back doors by the cafeteria (same as normal drop off). Students are to go to the elementary gym where a staff member will watch them until 7:40AM then they will go to the cafeteria to get breakfast and start their school day. There will be no cost for this service. Please call the main office for any questions.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*MS FOOTBALL GAME* The middle school football game at North Adams tonight will be closer to a 5:30pm start time. The bus will leave Waldron at 4:30pm. Also, the players and fans will need to bring their own drinking water. Good luck, players!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
game time
*WANTED: PHOTOS* We want to highlight all of our Spartans at the fair this week for both livestock and non livestock projects! Please send them to Jenn at 908-652-1103. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
PUMPKINS & GOURDS FOR SALE The wonderful ladies in the kitchen are going to be selling pumpkins & gourds in hopes of raising money to have a "Fun-tastic carnival" Spring 2024 for our Waldron Spartan students grades 6th and under, including toddlers :) They will be selling the pumpkins & gourds at the Varsity home football games on September 29th, October 7th & October 13th from 6pm til halftime and at the Middle school home games on October 4th & 18th from 4:00 til halftime. You can also reach out to either Vicky 517-425-7862 or Barb 517-403-3753 to arrange other times to purchase. Please support our amazing lunch ladies. THANK YOU
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
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EXCITING NEWS FROM THE CAFETRIA!!!! Middle school & High school now have even more to choose from at lunch! A Salad Bar with additional toppings is offered at lunch. We ask for input from our students & here are a few pictures of the choices they get daily to add to their salads! UPDATE TO THE SALAD BAR: unfortunately, the salad bar offered to MS/HS will only be on Tuesday & Thursday
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
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*CHOIR PRACTICE* M/HS choir practices will be today, Thurs., Sept. 21 @ 3pm; Friday, Sept. 22 @ 3pm; Monday, Sept. 25 @ 6pm and Tuesday, Sept. 26. @ 6pm. Please come to the band room/stage for all practices. Happy Singing!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
choir practice
*BOOK BLAST* Please check out http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/WaldronSch49288 to learn more about this amazing opportunity for our students. Please get your child logged in. Thank you for your support!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
book blast
*STEM DONATIONS* Elementary families, you should have received a note in your child's backpack regarding STEM and asking for your support. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. DiCenso at nichole.dicenso@waldronspartans.org. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*TIME OFF* Tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 22 is a HALF day of school. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. Monday, Sept. 25 & Tuesday, Sept. 26 there will be NO school. College students and Work Based learning students will be self transport. Good luck to everyone participating at the fair!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*MS FOOTBALL* Attention fans who are going to the MS football game tonight at Lenawee Christian Schools, please bring a lawn chair for there will be no bleachers available due to a project. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*UPDATE* *MINI CHEERLEADING* Mini Cheerleading will now be open for kindergarteners as well. There will be information sent home today for a mini-cheerleading camp for K-5th graders. The camp will be Oct. 2 and 3. They will then be cheering at the home football game on October 7. The cost is $30 which includes a shirt. Look in your student's backpack for the information or call the school.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*MARK YOUR CALENDARS* Calling all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade Spartans! We are taking our annual trip to the College and Career Fair on October 16 at 6pm, hosted by the Hillsdale County Community Foundation ! We are asking that all Spartans attend and parents are encouraged to join us! We will be taking a bus! Permissions slips will be out this week. Contact Jenn with questions 908-652-1103.
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*CONFERENCES* The Hillsdale Area Career Center is having their parent/teacher conferences on September 28th! HACC parents, if you are able attend please do so!
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*CHOIR PRACTICE* Don't forget the M/HS choir practice is this morning, Saturday, Sept. 16 at 10:00AM. They are meeting on the stage/band room.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*FOOTBALL MENTORING* The varsity football team have started Friday Friendships. They will be spending time every Friday with the elementary students. It's such a blessing to be in a K-12 school. Go Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams