*BOOK BLAST* Attention, adventurers! Our Book Blast event starts next week where we will set off in search of treasure to build our students' home libraries. Follow the steps on the Treasure Map coming home next week to embark on an epic quest to earn exciting rewards and books.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
book blast
*MS FOOTBALL* The MS football team had an excellent game night winning 22-6. Great job, Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
Good afternoon SPARTAN FAMILIES!! If you haven't gotten a chance to log onto the FAMILY PORTAL LINK please do so. The link is: waldron.familyportal.cloud, Select as follows: *APPLY *AGREEMENTS *ADD CHILD (all waldron students) *FILL OUT THE FORM *SUBMIT The form is also called "EDUCATION BENEFITS FORM" If you have already submitted yours "THANK YOU!" Although ALL students eat breakfast & lunch at no cost, filling out the Education Benefits Form, helps our district in many other ways which in turn benefits our students, it's a WIN...WIN!!!!
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
BUS #1 (Brian Fix) is running about 10 minutes late this morning
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
*HOME FOOTBALL GAME* Tonight is our first home varsity football game and it's Parent's Night! The game starts at 5:30pm with the 5pm start for the Parent's Night ceremony. Also, the cheerleaders are having a bake sale starting at 4pm. Come on out and support our Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
The Waldron Community Days are seeking four volunteers for Saturday BINGO! They must be 18+ and willing to handle money. If a group of teachers we will make a donation to their class, if a student org or class that parents volunteer we will donate to that group. 207.768.8082, 515pm - 830pm
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*TUTORING* Our 3rd-5th grade after school tutoring will begin Thursday, Sept. 28. If you would like to sign your student up for tutoring, please contact the main office. This service will be every Thursday after school until 4pm starting later this month.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*THANK YOU!* We want to give a huge thank you to the Hillsdale Kiwanis Club who came in today and dropped off a large amount of school supplies. Thank you for thinking of us! Our staff and students are thrilled.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*VICTORY* Congratulations to our JV Lady Spartans on defeating Tekon tonight! GO LADY SPARTANS! 🖤🤍♥️🏐
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*HARD LOCKDOWN DRILL* We had a hard lockdown drill this morning and everything went well. Go Spartans!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*CAR WASH* Get your car washed today! The seniors are out front of the school ready to shine up your car. They will be there until 2:00pm today.
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*CAR WASH* Come on out Saturday, Sept. 2 to get your car washed by a senior. The seniors will be at the school from 9:00-2:00pm. Give a donation and leave with a shiny car!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*VICTORY* Congratulations to our Varsity Lady Spartans on defeating Pansophia Academy this evening! GO SPARTANS! 🖤🤍♥️🏐
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*1st GRADE CHANGES* We apologize for the short notice but our 1st grade class will be getting a new teacher tomorrow. We are super excited to have Ms. Richardson join our Waldron family. We know our little ones will love her. Welcome to Waldron!
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
*VICTORY* Congratulations to our JV Lady Spartans on defeating Will Carleton this evening! GO LADY SPARTANS! 🏐♥️🤍🖤
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*LAST CALL* The last day to request schedule changes for middle and high school students is Wednesday! Stop in and see Jenn, if needed.
over 1 year ago, Waldron Area School District
*WIN* We had to fight but the varsity football team pulled off a win! 28-24
over 1 year ago, Kelli Williams
We received a $1,000 check towards 23-24 school year staff appreciation! We would like to thank Meemic and our Meemic Foundation Advocate, Strobus Insurance for their support of local schools and their diligence in promoting such grant opportunities! #MeemicFoundation
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
ATTENTION SPARTAN FAMILES!!!! Please take a few minutes to log onto the FAMILY PORTAL, click on APPLY FOR BENEFITS, and follow the prompts. This information is vital for our district to continue receiving FREE breakfast & lunch for all students in addition to continued Title 1 funding. If you have already filled out a paper copy of the EDUCATION BENEFITS FORM, we would appreciate you following the link as well. Any questions, feel free to contact the school. \\https://waldron.familyportal.cloud/
over 1 year ago, Luann Mravec
pic 1
REMINDER!!! Tomorrow, Friday the 25th, we have a scheduled half day of school. Students are released at 11:30am.
over 1 year ago, Lori Emens
Half Day