*KISS THE PIKE* Please show your support for the Hillsdale Conservation Club by donating funds to have our very own Jenn Fether kiss a pike during the Tip Off Activities. Donations can be brought to the main office of the school by Friday, Jan. 27 or dropped off at the Hillsdale Conservation Club by Sunday, Jan. 29. Of six individuals, whoever raises the most funds has to kiss the fish. Let's raise money to watch Mrs. Jenn Fether pucker up and kiss the pike.
*ATHLETIC BOOSTERS MEETING* There is an Athletic Boosters meeting tonight, Jan. 23, at 6:30pm in the media center. Anyone is invited who would like to help with the boosters.
*NO POPCORN FRIDAY* There will be no popcorn available tomorrow but it will return next Friday, January 27.
We are operating under a two hour delay today, Tuesday, due to heavy fog.
Jackson College (Adrian campus) Spartans. Please arrive at the school by 8:15am. All college Spartans are welcome to Jenn's office to do work after 11:30am. All three career centers are closed tomorrow. WBL is self transport, optional, but encouraged.
Hello Spartan Families!
Exciting new!! WAS is now offering Ala'Carte to all MS/HS students during lunch hours ONLY!
What's being offered you ask?
Strawberry Parfaits $2.00
IZZE sparkling flavored drinks $1.00
G2 - 12oz bottle $1.25
Bottled water $1.00
Coming soon Uncrustable PB&J sandwiches
Students may pay with cash with the exact amount. Should they have left over money, it will be deposited into their lunch account for further purchases.
Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Luann Mravec ext. 112
*NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY* Monday, January 16 there will be no school for our students due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Enjoy the long weekend. We'll see everyone back on Tuesday!
There is still time left to get your order in. Deadline is next Tuesday (1/17). Delivery/pick up will be Monday (1/30)
*NO TUTORING TODAY* There will be no after school tutoring today. We apologize for this inconvinience.
January is School Board Recognition month. Our Board members volunteer their time and energy and work behind the scenes to make Waldron Area Schools a great place for kids to learn and grow! Our Board members are: Dick Storehalder, Joe Fether, Brent Leininger, Gary Leininger, Virginia Ardis, Matt Marquart, and Jake Leininger.
Thank You!!
Sophomore Spartans, it is time to figure out next year! College, career center, work? Sign up for a meeting by clicking the link below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend (can be through a phone call, if easier).
This is a reminder that students are able to be dropped off at 7:40am. There will be staff available to meet any needs. The doors will unlock promptly at that time.
*JR. PRO PRACTICE REMINDERS* For this Saturday, January 7, the girls Jr. Pro team will be practicing from 9:00-10:30AM. The boys will be practicing from 10:00-11:30AM. Have fun!
Cell phone use is a vital part of our everyday life. However, cell phones are not allowed during school hours so our students and staff can focus on building healthy relationships. We strongly encourage parents and guardians to monitor phone use and etiquette for their children because of the dangers of social media and other inappropriate activities. Thank you!
If you have not seen Jenn this week to ensure you can access your college courses, please see her today. Especially our new college students! Jackson, Trine, and Southwestern start on Monday!
*JR. PRO BOYS BASKETBALL PRACTICE* This Saturday, January 7, there will be a Jr. Pro basketball practice for all boys in 3rd-6th grade at 10AM-11:30AM. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Long at mark.long@waldronspartans.org.
We are operating under a two hour delay this morning (Wednesday, January 4th), due to heavy fog. No career centers or WBL this morning. PM Voc skills and WBL will continue as normal.
MS Lady Spartans basketball starts back up tomorrow! Practice will be after school in the MP gym until five. We are excited that Miss. Emily Jones will be coaching again!
Spartan sophomores and parents, it's time to start preparing for next school year! The career centers' enrollment forms are now available! College, career center, beauty college, work? Spartans, plan to meet with Jenn next week!
Miss. Leininger is excited to announce that Lil Spartans is officially open for business! The center will open Tuesday, January 3rd! Contact Miss. Leininger with any questions (517-320-3328). Congratulations, Katie!