Tickets go on sale to the public THIS Sunday! Ticket sales will be in person only (cash or check) 2pm at the HS entrance doors. Purse bingo is November 12th! Don't miss out!
*Spirit week* We are nearing the end of homecoming week. Tomorrow is Spartan Black Out and picture day! Bring a change of clothes so you can look your best and show school spirit.
*ARCHERY SIGN-UPS* Sign-up for archery club is in the main office. This is for 4th grade - 12th grade students. Practices will begin next week. Go Spartans!
*SOAP FUNDRAISER* Last chance to order laundry soap, dish soap and trash bags. Please see a freshman, a junior or stop in the office. All orders and money are due by this Friday, Oct. 7 to the main office. Thanks for your support!
*Spirit Week* Our Spartans were hard at work today! Join us for tomorrow's dress up day. Adam Sandler day (middle and high school) and Wacky Hair Day (elementary).
*Don’t Miss This Year’s Picture!*
Picture Day: Friday, October 7 (Please note it's also Spartan Day for Homecoming week.)
Order with Picture Day ID: EVT7FRWGP
There are only a few days left to order on mylifetouch.com before Picture Day. Please submit your order before Friday, October 7 or bring the order form with money to the photographer on Friday. Retakes will be November 21.
*Spirit Week* We love seeing our Spartans participating in the dress up days! Join us tomorrow for blue collar (workforce) day.
*Homecoming Bonfire* After the game all students in grades 9-12 are invited to attend our homecoming bonfire. There will be food, cornhole, kickball, and music! Admission is $5. The bonfire will conclude at 11:30pm.
CORRECTION......."please note that the students must be present both days to participate"
SHOULD READ......"please SEND a permission slip from home in order for you to participate in Cheerleader For A Day"
*CHEER CAMP* Cheerleader Camp is tomorrow and Wednesday from 3:00-5:00pm. Please pick up your cheerleaders at the high school/North entrance of the school. Pick up will be by sign-out only. Please note that the students must be present both days to partiicpate. Go Spartans!
Our Spartans kicked off Spirit Week by taking it way back! Tomorrow's dress up day will be white lies (middle and high school) and pajama day (elementary). Go Spartans!
Student council is ready for homecoming! The hallways have been decorated. We are showing our Spartan pride community wide!
*VOLLEYBALL PARENT/SENIOR NIGHT* Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 5:30pm will be our parent/senior night for our volleyball girls. Please come out and celebrate our Lady Spartans!
*PICTURE DAY* Next Friday, October 7 is picture day! Yes, that is homecoming Friday but we'll be smiling pretty! Order forms were sent home with our elementary students. M/HS students can pick up their forms in the main office. You can also order online using code: EVT7FRWGP at mylifetouch.com.
Competition week two is this Sunday at 2:30pm at the conservation club! Go Spartans!
*Dress Up Days* Homecoming is next week! To show our school spirit the student council has selected dress up days for the week of October 3rd-7th. Stay tuned for more homecoming details. Go Spartans!
Monday: Throwback
Tuesday: White Lies (Elementary students: PJ day!)
Wednesday: Blue Collar
Thursday: Adam Sandler (Elementary students: Wacky Hair)
Friday: Spartan Day!
The senior class is raffling off a night at Kalahari (8 water passes!), tickets to U of M vs Illinois, and a Texas Roadhouse gift certificate! Contact a senior, Becky Belcher, or Katina Fellabaum today! Winning tickets will be drawn at the 10/21 football game!
*CODING AND TUTORING CLUBS ARE BACK* Coding club will start today and continue every Wednesday for our 3rd-6th graders until 4PM. If your child has not signed up, please fill out a form in the main office or contact Mrs. DiCenso. Tutoring is for 3rd-5th graders, which starts tomorrow and continues every Thursday until 4PM. Again, sign up sheets are in the main office or contact Mrs. DiCenso or Mrs. Williams in the office.
*THE CHICKS ARE COMING! THE CHICKS ARE COMING!*Pens should be ready!! You must have heat lamps (w/heat bulbs that work) at least 1-1/2 foot off the ground...wood chips...feed in feeders...water in containers.
If you HAVE NOT made any special arrangements w/Mrs. Fether you chicks will remain in their box, in the greenhouse.
Please see Jenn before October 5th! It is time to order your diplomas but we need to verify your FULL name (first, middle, last). Parents, feel free to text Jenn, if you would like! 908-652-1103