Calling all M/HS Spartans! Competitive cheer is back! The Morenci & Waldron Competitive Cheer Co-op begins Monday, November 8th! Alumnus, Libby Fee, is assistant coaching! MS practice is 4:30-6P.M. HS practice is 5:45-7:45PM. Both at Morenci. Come out & give it a try!
8th grade boys basketball pulls off a 29-11 win against Camden! It was a great Spartan night!
Congratulations to our 6th/7th Spartan boys' on their win over Camden-Frontier, 24-10! GO SPARTANS!
Special Board Meeting Announcement
This week we have Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, Nov. 4 from 4:00-7:00pm. There will be no tutoring after school due to conferences. Also, we have a half day on Friday, Nov. 5. Students will be released at 11:55AM on Friday. Let's have a great week, Spartans!
Check your mailbox! Report cards have been mailed out. If you have any concerns, parent-teacher conferences are Thursday, Nov. 4 from 4:00-7:00pm.
Due to the rain, the elementary Halloween parade will be inside the school today starting at 1:15pm. Please enter through the main office. All are welcome to watch the parade. However, only those who have had already passed a volunteer check will be able to participate in the classroom parties.
Reminder that the My Card/Christmas cards fundraiser orders and money are due tomorrow.
Apologies....it is not parent's night for volleyball tonight. Good luck, Spartans!
Time Change for Parents Night! The volleyball game tonight has been changed to start at 6:00pm. Go Lady Spartans!
The last home volleyball game of the season for our Lady Spartans is tomorrow! JV starts at six with Varsity to follow. Go Lady Spartans!
The Spartans that were on the Southwestern Michigan College trip will be back at the school in about ten minutes.
Tomorrow Monday, October 25 is a half-day for our students. School is dismissed at 11:55AM.
An awesome win by the Spartans tonight against Stryker 38-34. #superproudspartans
Athletic booster meeting is tonight at 6:30pm in the media center. Come support our student athletes and our athletic programs.
Reminder that Monday, October 25 is a half day for our students. School will be dismissed at 11:55AM. If you need a copy of the school's calendar, it is found on our website or you can obtain a copy in the main office.
Our 6/7th grade Lady Spartans just defeated Hillsdale Academy! Way to go, Lady Spartans! Next up, our 8th grade Lady Spartans!
Tomorrow, our 10th-12th grade Spartans will be taking the ASVAB Career Exploration assessment. The results are used to guide career exploration and tie in with Xello. This is not the military ASVAB assessment. Spartans will take it in the cafeteria beginning at 12:20 P.M. Chromebooks will be necessary.
Spartans, 10-12th grades: if you are interested in touring Southwestern Michigan College on Monday, please let Jenn know by tomorrow. Check out their certification & degree programs by clicking the link:
The end of quarter one is Friday for K-12! Spartan parents and students check PowerSchool for missing assignments! See your teachers with questions.