**EARLY DROP OFF** Just a friendly reminder that we have someone here for early drop off starting at 6:40am in the Multipurpose room.
4 months ago, Candi Saxton
*MMM...FOOD* Support our Spartans this weekend! This evening, join us in the school cafeteria between 4:30 pm and 7 pm for FFA's annual pork chop supper! On Monday, head to the VFW hall after the parade (approx 11am) for a chicken dinner, hosted by our Class of 2025! Your Spartan support is appreciated!
5 months ago, Jenn Fether
*HEADPHONES* Spartans in sixth grade or take an E2020 Spanish course - please bring in headphones to use in these classes.
5 months ago, Jenn Fether
*HEAT SAFETY* It will be another hot day tomorrow, Spartans! We do have AC in the classrooms, but we also recommend wearing loose clothing and bringing water bottles!
5 months ago, Jenn Fether
*JOIN TRAP* Registration for the fall trap season is open and ends September 9th! Current athletes can register through their US Clay account. New shooters must be in at least sixth grade and create an account. Go to https://claytargetscoring.com/ and enter ID wan854 .
5 months ago, Jenn Fether
Good evening from the Kitchen Crew!! A HUGE THANK YOU to all the parents that stopped at our raffle table & took the time to fill out an Education Benefits Form. We THANK YOU & our STUDENTS THANK YOU! The two winners are: Prize package #1 : Angela Master Prize package #2: Lyndsay Messer Congratulations to both of you. You can pick your prizes up at your convenience in the school front office.
5 months ago, Luann Mravec
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*VOLLEYBALL* JV and Varsity Volleyball practice will be 3 pm - 5 pm on Monday to allow our Lady Spartans to attend Open House at 5 pm.
5 months ago, Waldron Area School District
*OPEN HOUSE* It's just about here! Our open house is this Monday, 5 pm - 7 pm! Enroll your Spartans! Meet teachers! Check out our new preschool! Take pictures at our photo booth! Eat hot dogs! We cannot wait to see our Spartans! 🖤🤍♥️
5 months ago, Waldron Area School District
*HELP* Calling all M/HS Spartans and parents! We are missing Chromebook devices and chargers. If you have a device, please contact the school and kindly return it. Thank you!
5 months ago, Waldron Area School District
OPEN HOUSE RAFFLE! Please stop by and meet your kitchen crew, Miss Barb, Miss Vicky, Mr. Riley & Miss Luann. We will be having a give away !!!! Everyone that completes an EDUCATION BENEFITS FORM at open house, will receive a raffle ticket for a drawing to win a gift basket, two winners will be drawn at the end of open house. Please take a minute to review the following forms. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday the 19th from 5:00-7:00.
5 months ago, Luann Mravec
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*OPEN POSITION* We are currently seeking a Full Time K-12 Music/ Band Director. Please spread the word! Visit www.waldronspartans.org/documents/our-district/employment for further details
5 months ago, Lori Emens
5 months ago, Candi Saxton
There is an immediate need for host families for high school exchange students!! There are are still 200 students that are waiting for a host family. If you have space in your heart and home please help us make dreams come true for these students. Not only does it help them but it helps your school, community, and your organizations with in your school. A bed can be provided if needed!! Please contact Kandy Hickey at 517-425-1574 or pax.org immediately for more information!! Remember the wonderful students you have already had; Debbie from Thailand and Nike from Germany!!
5 months ago, Candi Saxton
*OPEN POSITION* We are currently seeking a K-12 art teacher! Please spread the word! Click the link below for the job posting! www.waldronspartans.org/documents/our-district/employment
5 months ago, Jenn Fether
*ATHLETIC UPDATE* Mandatory practice schedule beginning Monday: Cross Country is 9am-10am. Varsity Volleyball is 10am-12pm. JV Volleyball is 5-7pm. Physicals must be on file with Mr. Granger or brought to practice on Monday.
5 months ago, Waldron Area School District
6 months ago, Candi Saxton
*OPEN HOUSE* Our Open House will be Monday, August 19th from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm! School supplies can be brought in! Come in and register your Spartans! We look forward to seeing everyone!
6 months ago, Jenn Fether
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*ORIENTATION* Calling all of our Waldron Early Middle College Spartans! Have you registered for the mandatory KCC/Waldron EMC orientation yet? Sign up by downloading the Bloomz app, entering the code below, and clicking on the orientation post to register. Let Jenn know when you have registered! We will be transporting Spartans. In Bloomz, enter group code: 3PBY8D
6 months ago, Jenn Fether
There will be no open gym for volleyball or XC tomorrow. Use that time to hit the weight room!
6 months ago, Waldron Area School District
*LEARN & GROW* We continue to expand our district, Spartans! In addition to our Lil Spartans Daycare, we also have our GSRP preschool! Our daycare is already open and our preschool opens September 16th! Visit them at our open house on August 19th, 5pm-7pm! Contact Mrs. Fix today to learn more and enroll your Spartan! 517-286-6251 or tammy.fix@waldronspartans.org
6 months ago, Waldron Area School District